Here's it
By Hanne Lippard
When does an individual become a body
When does a body disembody
When this a body does some body
When does it really really hurt?
Pain is individual.
A cut made in the middle.
Male thoughts.
Air mail.
Three days later, upon arrival.
A package.
Nothing but.
Hear, he said, hear is my ear.
It is. And her.
What is there to say about her
What did she say
Said, nothing.
At least nothing audible to the naked ear.
At least not something, or anything, he could hear
When does an ear stop learning
When does a body stop leaning
When does life leave life
When does love live life
When does it feel like time left
Or the exact opposite.
Pain is a stain on any complexion.
Does somebody care about that body
Or is that body just somebody
What does a body to somebodies
When is a body just a burden
What do birds care
What is that burden for a bird
What do others think
What do others thoughts think
What body cares about its own
Or those.
Them, never?
Here – he said, to her.
Female thoughts.
Her ears were present, but they did not listen.
Hanne Lippard (NO/DE), born in 1984 in Milton Keynes, GB, lives and works in Berlin. Lippard’s practice explores the voice as a medium. Her education in graphic design informs how language can be visually powerful; her texts are visual, rhythmic, and performative rather than purely informative, and her work is conveyed through a variety of disciplines, predominantly sound-installations and performance.
Her most recent performances and exhibitions include The Myths and Realities of Achieving Financial Independence at CCA, Berlin (2022) Le langage est une peau, FRAC Lorraine, Metz (2021) Contact, Mood, Share at MHKA, Antwerp, (2021) X, Frac des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou (2020) RIBOCA2, Riga (2020) ART 4 ALL, Hamburger Bahnhof, (2020) Our present, Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Siegen (2020) Parades for FIAC, Palais de la Découverte (2019), Art Night London (2019) Goethe in the Skyways, Minneapolis, (2019), n.b.k. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, (2019) Nam June Paik Award 2018, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster (2018), Ulyd, Kunsthall Stavanger, Stavanger and FriArt, Friboug (2018) Lippard has recently been awarded with the Preis der Nationalgalerie for 2024