Un “-” known
by James Notin
In “-“ hale
I suppose between this prefix and its tactile stem there is a new world. Like what happens between the last moment of an extremely bent tree and its snapping?
What lives in the neglected fragment of life before these vowels or consonants steals enough life from you? That little moment before you corrode all the life you have seized from the world.
Ex “-“ hale.
You are now freeing your throats, again corroding what is left of the world you stole from. And what’s left to live? Standing at one of the many exits to a market, a coin is only as heavy as how much water it can buy. And in the ounce of life between the exchanging of hands and wanting is a different world.
Dear un “-“ known friend, In the little life between contraction and loosing, how can living be measured ?
James Notin is a Yoruba-Nigerian experimental artist and performance curator whose work investigates individuals in universal space and structure. Their works are based on the curation of public opinion and selective observation as a tool for distorting contemporary society to create a liberal space for analysing the social structure and their politics.
Assuming human societies are bordered by future anxiety and future perspectives, Notin engages systems through the lens of an outsider to open up an alternative and interactive space that enables individuals to engage in sociopolitical issues.
Working as a co-curator at Tantdile Xperimenta Lab, their works also expand to performance art, photography, and interactive literature.