Kembra Pfahler in conversation with Josef O’Connor

Josef O’ Connor: It’s half midnight on the 4th of April, 2024. I’d like to suggest that in the spirit of live performance, we commit to transcribing everything we say in this conversation.
Kembra Pfahler: If this is just in the spirit of my live performance, I usually sing. I never really talk.
JOC: You are welcome to sing rather than talk. I wanted to start with our CIRCA collaboration, which felt like a love letter, a special journey we went on together. People often ask how I pick the artists and I now kind of believe that the artists almost pick me. And that it’s my job to respond and follow that energy. After learning about your path as a teacher, The Manual of Action revealed itself through phone calls and brought us to know each other in a very short timeframe, and I feel it does quite an effective job of telling the story of Kembra Pfahler.
KP: Thank you Josef for saying that. One of the reasons I gravitated towards CIRCA was because I rarely feel heard or encouraged to describe my work. Not everyone is interested in extreme performance art that involves complete head-to-toe transformation, nudity, props and homemade costumes. Everything is pretty DIY with The Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black and there was a lot of joy in this process. I think that joy, pleasure and fun in doing really serious work is rare. I felt encouraged and appreciated by CIRCA. I didn’t feel pushed to put myself into a branded machine. I think that we’re a brand of outsiders. We’re an unbranded little group of people and am always surprised when people even know about what I do. I feel like we’re extremely unpopular. It’s rare to feel that the essence of what I do is understood and I am grateful to you for that.