Anne Imhof: The Eyes of a Horse
Written by Francesca Gavin

YOUTH starts with the eyes of a horse. A poetic trope imbued with projections of sadness, loss, understanding, and hope. We watch a group of seemingly wild horses in the snow, their deep chestnut flanks galloping in slow motion against a poetic snowy landscape. Their legs are submerged in the white powder. They are not weighed down with saddles or riders. In time, we see the animals riding against the context of brutalist housing blocks in a suburban Eastern European landscape. These grey architectural structures are the only hints of humanity—man’s imposition on space.
Filmed in Moscow five days before the Russia-Ukraine war broke out on 24 February 2022, Anne Imhof was preparing an exhibition at Moscow’s Garage when they were forced to leave in a state of shock. “This was maybe the last time an artist was working and shooting a film there and wouldn’t happen again in the near future, maybe not even in my lifetime,” the artist points out. The film piece and its accompanying #YOUTH24 print fundraiser aim to bring attention to the anniversary of the conflict and raise funds for United Nations CERF and Ukraine Humanitarian Fund. This shifting context brings an entirely different meaning to the work – although many of the issues around repression in Russia were brewing in advance of 2022.