fbpx Ai vs AI: Can the U.S. win the competition against China? | CIRCA 20:24

Ai vs AI: Can the U.S. win the competition against China?

Ai Weiwei: Amidst the ongoing contest between the US and China, numerous predictions abound. Examining the broader trend, the US, with its prevailing social structure and political ideology, appears to be on a decline, relinquishing the once robust prowess of earlier-stage capitalism. In contrast, China, emerging as a new capitalist nation under a dictatorship, boasts a competitiveness that surpasses that of the US. Determining the ultimate victor in the competition between the US and China is a complex task, but it is certain to reshape the societal reality and order.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Characterizing the relationship between the U.S. and China as a “competition” is a complex geopolitical issue. *Source: ChatGPT

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