fbpx Slawn: GONE? ➳ Tokyo | CIRCA 20:23

Slawn, Gone?


CIRCA 20:23

Heralding their entrance into the African content, CIRCA presents GONE?, a site-specific study on the theme of hope by Nigerian-born, London-based artist Slawn.

Throughout November, the artist locked himself inside an empty shop in Piccadilly Circus, London, and was filmed face-on by CIRCA spray-painting directly onto bespoke cut perspex sheets, scaled to fit eleven of their global screen locations. Referencing Picasso at his home in Vallauris, painting on glass (1950) with a camera rolling on the other side, or The Pharcyde in their Drop music video (1995),an inward/outward illusion is achieved between the artist and viewer. Gradually removing himself from the picture, with a different painting created for each city, Slawn indirectly asks the world: ‘Has all hope GONE?’





For three minutes every evening (at precisely 20:25 local time throughout the year 2025) CIRCA pauses the adverts across a global network of screens in London’s Piccadilly Circus and elsewhere to reflect and challenge the times we live in, circa now.

Tokyo, NEO Shibuya TV

Experience GONE? by Slawn every evening at 20:23 JST (6-31 December 2023) on the NeoShibuya screens in Shibuya Crossing.

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