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CIRCA 20:23

Koo Jeong A, Odorama Cities

6-30 September 2023, South Korea

Launching 6 September at 20:23 KST, CIRCA presents Odorama Cities, a new video work by internationally acclaimed Korean artist Koo Jeong A.

Coinciding with Frieze Seoul, 3D animations will be shown across four screens, broadcasting for 3-minutes each evening at 20:23 local time until 30 September 2023.

Submit your Smell Stories using the below form to help inspire a new fragrance which will be unveiled at the 60th Venice Art Biennale in 2024, where Koo will present ‘Odorama Cities’ inside the national Korean Pavilion.

Curated by Jacob Fabricius (b.1970, Denmark) and Seolhui Lee (b.1987, South Korea), Koo Jeong A will transform the Korean Pavilion into an immersive Korean scent journey that features smells representing different rural areas, towns, and cities in South and North Korea. The Pavilion will create a captivating environment of intimacy, and through this scent journey make a national portrait of the Korean peninsula.


작가 구정아는 향기 이야기를 모으고 있습니다
Artist Koo Jeong A is collecting Smell Stories

당신은 도시나 고향의 냄새를 어떻게 기억하시나요?
How do you remember the smell of your city or hometown?

당신이 사는 도시나 고향의 향기와 냄새를 공유해주세요
Please upload Smell Stories of your city or hometown.

2024년 이 향기 이야기는 새로운 향수를 탄생시켜 구정아의 한국관 ‘ODORAMA CITIES’ 의 일부가 됩니다.
A new fragrance inspired by these Smell Stories will be launched at the 60th Venice Biennale in 2024, where Koo Jeong A will present ‘Odorama Cities’ at the Korean pavilion.

2023년 9월 30일 이전까지 향기로운 추억을 업로드하세요
Upload your #SmellStory before 30 September 2023



냄새 ㅋ ~


COEX K-Pop Square, Samsung Station 6 gate, Samseong-dong, Yeongdong-daero, Seoul, Odorama Cities by Koo Jeong A © CIRCA


50, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Odorama Cities by Koo Jeong A © CIRCA


Gangnam Station 11 gate , Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Odorama Cities by Koo Jeong A © CIRCA




For three minutes every evening (at precisely 20:25 local time throughout the year 2025) CIRCA pauses the adverts across a global network of screens in London’s Piccadilly Circus and elsewhere to reflect and challenge the times we live in, circa now.


Experience  Odorama Cities by Koo Jeong A every evening at 20:23 KST (6-30 September 2023) on Seoul’s COEX K-Pop Square screen.

View screen locations


    Koo Jeong A

    Koo Jeong A lives and works everywhere.

    Since the early 1990s, Koo Jeong A has made works that are seemingly casual and commonplace, yet at the same time remarkably precise, deliberate, and considered. Her reflections on the senses and the body incorporate objects, still and moving images, audio elements, and aromas. Many of her works are conceived within site-specific environments that question the limits of fact and fiction, the imaginary and actuality of our world. Koo considers the connection of energies between a place and people, relying on chance to drive her encounters.

    In realising her spaces and images, she draws from a wide spectrum of concerns which she developed over the years. Ranging from human cognition, to the philosophy of Taoism, from the science of Qi, to the interaction of natural elements such as earth, fire, metal, water, and wood. In her environments, nothing is merely ordinary; on the contrary, any material or phenomena—be it a mound of charcoal, a shaft of iron, or a glare of sunlight—is endowed with dignity and reverence and incites the surprise of a discovery. To venture near Koo’s work is to travel unreservedly through a cosmos of unassuming large and small forms, mysterious dwarfed spaces, and perilous landscapes of memories.